hi all,
if i put "pgp-hook pattern id" in my config, mutt is asking
me to use id X for pattern Y. this is very useful. but why
is he giving me a list of the keys after that ? i already set this hook
so he should use this specified key. this is very annoying :)
can anyone help me ? maybe there are two pgp keys like this:
pub 1024D/A6243C99 2000-10-15 Marco Ahrendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub 2048g/39CB8796 2000-10-15
but when i set a pgp hook on marco and id 39CB8796, mutt gives me
list, to make a choice of the above keys. all what he has to do is
insert the ID into the command.. gpg --encrypt ID ...
the second thing, i canīt solve is, i specify a key like 39CB8796 and
mutt is telling me:
gpg: using secondary key 39CB8796 instead of primary key A6243C99
but i allready marked the 39..... :)
everyone knows this prob ?
cu Marco
adconsys AG
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 19, 04107 Leipzig
Tel.: 0341-98 474 0 Fax: 0341-98 474 59
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: www.adconsys.de
Key Fingerprint: AE02 AA7E CFD1 0A4C 497D 8526 E495 102B A624 3C99