On 2000.10.17 06:08:33, you,
 the extraordinary Cliff Sarginson, opined:

> Often after reading a mail I need to forward it to a certain email
> address. This address is always the same one and I never need to change
> the subject or add comments in the text etc. Unfortunately until I read
> it I don;t know whether it needs to be forwarded or not.
> Can I define a key-binding or something so that with one push on a button
> the current mail message is addressed with the canned forwarding address
> and sent without any further interaction on my part ?

This should do, assuming you haven't used "B"
for something else:

        macro pager B "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\ny"

Replace "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" by your target.

Cheers, N.
Nollaig MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oppose renaming Mt Logan!! http://www.savemtlogan.com

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