On 2000-10-12 12:44:59 +0100, Lars Hecking wrote:
>> how can the signature file be placed on top rather than below
>> when replying a mail?
Just abuse the $attribution setting and include your signature
there. For instance, I could do something like this:
set attribution="-- \nThomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n\n\nOn %d, %n
>> Top as in above the content of the mail i m replying to.
> That's a rather daft idea.
> Many mail clients/editors are configured to snip anything below
> the signature separator - which in that case would remove
> content.
Well, it depends. In certain corporate settings, that much-hated
Notes-style quoting is actually useful: Just imagine a lengthy
exchange of e-mail messages on a certain topic, where, at some
point, a third party is included. That person can easily read the
entire exchange of messages, and thus easily enter the exchange
without having to be briefed.
Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>