> if ps -U $LOGNAME | grep realmutt > /dev/null Be careful about using grep to search the output of ps. For example $ ps ax | grep lemming 16004 tty1 S 0:00 grep lemming Y'see? Grep makes a match on its own process. -- [ Bruce J.A. Nourish (email and finger) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] [ GPG key ID BE062236 (75C2 6784 B600 F7F4 E35E A039 F62C 5AC7 BE06 2236) ] [ Fax (775) 665-5938 Phone (480) 763-6970 Pgr (602) 201-3376, ICQ 38344897 ] [ Web http://www.kode187.net - Postal: PO Box 51611, Phoenix AZ 85076-1611 ]
- multiple mutts the/eXtreme
- Re: multiple mutts Mikko Hänninen
- Re: multiple mutts the/eXtreme
- Re: multiple mutts Conor Daly
- Re: multiple mutts the/eXtreme
- Re: multiple mutts Conor Daly
- Re: multiple mutts Brian Salter-Duke
- Re: multiple mutts Bruce J.A. Nourish
- Re: multiple mutts Brian Salter-Duke
- Re: multiple mutts Aaron Schrab
- Re: multiple mutts Jamie Novak
- Re: multiple mutts Brian Salter-Duke
- Re: multiple mutts Peter Palfrader
- Re: multiple mutts Conor Daly
- OT: grep Rob Reid
- Re: OT: grep Bob Bell
- Re: OT: grep Dave Pearson