On Wed, Oct 11, 2000 at 11:49:40AM -0500, the/eXtreme wrote:
> Hey, sometimes I shell out of a mutt window,
> forget where I am (easy, when you're me),
> and start another mutt session.  Days can go
> by before I catch the duplicated sessions.
> I could use a shell script to `ps' for existing
> mutt sessions before launching another session;
> or is there a better way?

Assuming for the sake of this example a bash shell:

You could create a .muttbashrc file which, after sourcing your regular
rc file, says
PS1="mutt-shell: "
and then in mutt (or your .muttrc)
:set shell="/bin/bash -rcfile /home/username/.muttbashrc"

But if you open more subshells, you're on your own. :)

- Bruce

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