Sameh Ghane wrote:

> Le Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 08:40:32PM +0300, Mikko Hänninen ecrivit:
> > 
> > If you want that, then you need to create a shell-script which does the
> > expansion for you, and call that from $signature instead.
> A nice way is to use a FIFO:
> mkfifo ~/.sig
> while :; do
> # Something to populate ~/.sig
> # ...
> # ...
> done
> And use ~/.sig as your signature file, for your mail or news client.
> eg:
> mkfifo ~/.sig
> while :; do
> /usr/games/fortune -sa > ~/.sig
> done &
> Then try 'cat ~/.sig' a few times...

lovely trick but it's not reliable.
if the writing process dies, the
reading process will block and you
wouldn't want that. also, the writing
process might write multiple times
while the reader process is performing
a single read so you could get multiple
signatures coming out.


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