On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 02:53:52PM +0200, Jan Houtsma wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:32:52PM +0100, Dave Pearson wrote:
> > Have you considered reading the documentation for GPG? For example:
> Sure i would consider it if i knew that there was a program like that!! I
> didnt even know i there was a program called gpg. I thought it was
> something in mutt!
No, gpg is not something inside mutt. It is, however, called from mutt if
you configure mutt to do this.
> So if i knew i would have! That why i was asking the
> question in the first place. To learn something from others! Thought that
> was what mailing lists are for!
They are, that's why I responded. Wasn't the suggestion to read the manual
for gpg helpful?
> > ,----[ man gpg ]
> > | --no-secmem-warning
> > | Suppress the warning about "using insecure mem
> > | ory".
> > `----
> Is this gpg program called by mutt or so?
Yes, it can be called by mutt if you (or something who wrote the
configuration) told it to do so.
> Because mutt complains. Is this
> '--no-secmem-warning' option an option i can pass to mutt then?
No, it is an option for GPG. Have a read of the GPG manual.
> Because i
> did read that manual, but couldn't find the option.
Which manual did you read? Did you do a "man gpg" and have a read of the GPG
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