On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 07:27:38PM +0200, Michael Tatge wrote:
> Hal Burgiss muttered:

> I don't have a clue how combine autoedit and send-hooks. Harold says
> it is possible so maybe you should start a new muttrc from scratch
> and you'll see which line confuses mutt.

Sounds challenging. Would have to take a few options at a time. If I
did a new one with all the features I like/want in one fell swoop, I
would have the exact same muttrc ;) I'll play with this this weekend.

Also, either I am suffering premature senile dementia, or this was
working not too long ago. Oh well ...
> P.S. Check your Mail-Followup-To:

Thanks. Was wondering why I was getting duplicates. You just gotta
love mutt for all the configuration options.

Hal B

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