On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 03:25:41PM -0700, Perry The Cynic wrote:
> How do I "commit" files marked for deletion?


> Is there a way to *not* have to type the initial "=" character?

Beats me.

> For that matter, is there any way I can type a prefix (say, "ord"
> for "orders") with some kind of auto-completion of folder names?

Hit tab. :) For example:

> there a way to write a macro-with-argument, so I could turn this into the
> sequence (bound to, say, the "C" key) Cord<RETURN>? [The point being, of
> course, that *after* I type in the argument and hit return, it continues
> to run the macro, in that case <RETURN><RETURN>.]

Rather, just use 'c' to change folder, type =ord then hit tab. If it
doesn't complete, hit it a second time and possible matches are

- Bruce

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