If you have root on your machine, add this to /etc/profile:
then source your /etc/profile, or log out and then back in.
Hope this helps.
On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 05:45:18PM +0100, Paul muttered:
| Hello,
| I am completely new to the list.
| Many people I know have switched to Mutt as e-mail program. I have
| installed it (RPMversion 1.2.5) but I can't make sense of it.
| For mail I use Qmail, and as mailbox-format I use the maildir format. My
| mail arrives in ~/Maildir.
| Through some nifty website I have tried to generate a .muttrc file, put it
| on disk, and of course, it does not work. When I start Mutt I am presented
| with a default message "Do not delete this mail" bla bla, as the header of
| an mbox mail-file.
| In all kinds of files I have read that Mutt is able to determine by itself
| what mailboxes it should use, but alas, not with me.
| Can someone point me to the right direction? I can't decide if I like Mutt
| as mailer if I can't even get it to work, right?
| Regards,
| Paul
| Netherlands.
| --
| Three things are certain:
| Death, taxes and lost data.
| Guess which has occured.
| http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
| -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-
/Jason G Helfman
"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."
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