I'm having some trouble GPG-signing my outgoing messages.
For example if I __'s'ign__ from the PGP options menu, these headers
appear (these appear to be the defaults right now):
sign as: Russell Hoover MIC algorithm: pgp-sha1
I then hit RETURN, enter my passphrase, and I get:
gpg: Segmentation fault caught ... exiting
Press any key to continue...
but if I __sign 'a's__ from the PGP options menu, and hit RETURN
at the "sign as:" prompt at the bottom of the screen (and then
select my name & key id from the list presented) it puts
these headers in:
sign as: 0xFC5C7370 MIC algorithm: pgp-rmd160
This time when I hit RETURN and enter my passphrase, the mail is sent,
**signed**, with no problems.
Any suggestions?
PGP signature