can anyone come up with a procmail/formail recipe that will automatically
detect these things & add such a header line? i tried this, but everything
ended up in /dev/null:

* =20
|formail -i "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" >>testing

(besides this is too draconian because, for example, this whole thread
would have gotten the header)


On 30 Sep 00,  5:38PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 30, 2000 at 04:14:18PM -0500, the/eXtreme wrote:
> > Why do some mail messages I receive show carriage returns/line breaks
> > as `=20' ?  Is my mutt setup misconfigured, or is this totally unrelated
> > to mutt?
> This is a type of MIME encoding called quoted-printable.  Mutt handles
> it just fine as long as the message header or attachment header contains
> a line like
>     Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> I occasionally receive quoted-printable-encoded messages that do not
> include a Content-Transfer-Encoding line.  In such cases, mutt does not
> know that the message is quoted-printable-encoded and displays all the
> quoted-printable escapes, such as '=20', as plain text.
> Gary
> -- 
> Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | RF Communications Product Generation Unit
>                              | Spokane, Washington, USA

Peter Jaques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
klezmer&balkan&turkish clarinet; free food&shelter; books to prisoners

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