On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 04:51:39PM +0200, Emmanuel Anne wrote:
> I had a look at the docs, but could not find a way to handle bad
> attachements ie : jpeg images attached as "application/octet-stream"
> insted of "image/jpeg".
> Does someone know a way to view them directly instead of first
> saving them on the disk ???

If you can't get mailcap to take care of it, just pipe it to
'xli stdin' or equivalent. If there is no facility in your image
viewer for reading from standard input, you'll need to write a wrapper
script to save the standard input to file, invoke the viewer, then
delete the file. This is basically the same as the %s system in the
mailcap file, but you are taking matters into your own hands.

- Bruce

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