(I've hunted and grepped through the manuals and the help screens, so
I'm probably just blind or searching for the wrong thing... So give me a
manual reference, and I'll be happy.)
My brother sent me a message that was ONLY html encoded (he won't be
doing that again). Replying to it and having it include his message was
a bit of a challenge, though. Because it was only html, mutt wasn't
including it in my response when I used "r" to reply. (replying from the
attachment menu didn't work either) I ended up going through a long,
convoluted route to get the message body into mine (involving reading in
the original message with vim and hand tweaking things).
What was the right way to do that?
Or is there a magic variable setting I've missed?
Benjamin Korvemaker Things You Learn From the Movies:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you are blonde and pretty, it is
possible to become a world expert on
nuclear fission at the age of 22.
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