Mikko Hänninen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: > Good one. I hadn't thought of trying that. It fails....
: > Other shell commands fail as well....
: I have no idea why you couldn't run any commands from within Mutt
: though, I've never heard of this kind of problem.  Can you even
: start /bin/sh (or your own shell)?

Nope. All commands fail. As I mentioned earlier on, I upgraded
from sparc-sun-solaris-2.7 to sparc-sun-solaris-2.8 and
rebuilt mutt from scratch. I did this before as well without
serious problems. I haven't gor a clue what is going on here.
Maybe this is an operating system related problem. I am using
the CDE desktop at the moment but the problem also manifests
itself if I use the openwindows desktop.


Marc van Dongen

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