On Tue 07/11/00 at 12:41 PM -0400, Hardy Merrill
> I mis-wrote - I really used <Esc>k, and *that* created an empty
> attachment. Am I trying to do this the right way? I want to
> extract my public key and send it using mutt - any help is
> appreciated ;-)
I, too, am unable to send my public gpg key. Here's what happens when
I try:
1) I have composed an e-mail and am ready to send it (along with my key).
So, from the compose menu, I press <Esc>k;
2) I am prompted at the bottom of the screen: "Please enter the key ID:"
I enter the ID of my GPG public key and press <RETURN>.
3) This puts me in the PGP menu where I see my public and private key IDs
listed thus:
1 + 1024/0xFC5C7370 DSA -s Russell Hoover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
4) I press <RETURN> and get this message at the bottom of my screen:
Invoking pgp...File `gpg-output' exists. Overwrite (y/N)?
And this is where the trouble starts, because I am stuck here. I can't
get out by pressing <RETURN> or y or Y or n or N or anything else. I'm
5) So I Control-c out, and am put back into the compose menu, where
I see my public key listed in the Attachments list:
- A 2 PGP Key 0xFC5C7370. [applica/pgp-keys, 7bit, 0K]
But when I 'v'iew the key attachment, I get this message:
[-- Error: could not find beginning of PGP message! --]
And if I send this mail, the recipient sees this:
[-- Attachment #1 --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 0.1K --]
My text message here.
[-- Attachment #2: PGP Key 0xFC5C7370. --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-keys, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 0K --]
[-- Error: could not find beginning of PGP message! --]
What am I doing wrong?