On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 03:42:51PM -0500, Cory Phillips wrote:
> How do I move a message from one folder to another?
> I know message are moved to my read-mail folder from the inbox
> after I have read them, but what about specifying a target
> folder other than the default?
> I know I can do it by copying the message to the target folder and
> then delete the message in the source folder, but this is an
> anoying process. Is there a simple key sequence for moving message
> around?
May be you are looking for "save-hook" command.
Look through the manual about that command.
Eugene Paskevich | *==(----------- | "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | -----------)==* | -- Ace Venture
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I was the best I ever had.
-- Woody Allen