> Yeah, courier is quite impressive.  I'm using the esmtpd, maildrop, and
> imapd-ssl packages here.  Unfortunately, it may be that courier is the 
> source of the problem I'm having.
> I tracked the gpg portion of the problem down and it turns out that 
> something is reordering the MIME headers inside the text/plain portion
> of the message.  Specifically, 
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>  Content-Disposition: inline
>  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> becomes 
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>  Content-Disposition: inline
> and (suprise, suprise) the sig is bad.
> Not a MIME guru, but I imagine this is not acceptable behavior.
 This is a known "feature" of, I think, sendmail 8.9.1. It was fixed
 in the next release, 8.9.3, and there was a patch by, I think (again :);
 I'd have to check my email archives) John Beck for 8.9.1.
 [The sendmail release notes attribute the bug report to me, but the problem
  was originally discovered by Roland Rosenfeld and Thomas Roessler IIRC.]

 Somewhere along the line, a particular instance of sendmail is messing
 things up.

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