Having longtime searched for a nice printing-command, i've finally
choosen the next one :
set print_command="fmt --prefix='>' -s | fmt -s | a2ps -b"" -1 -R --pretty-print=mail
-o $(date +%x-%X | tr : .).ps"
a2ps gives very nice layouts with the option --pretty-print=mail,
particularly with the use of different fonts for headers, body-text and
quoted-text, but there is some limitations. It does'nt wrap the long
lines, so messages coming from mailers like Outlook have lines cutted
without regarding the words-boundaries.
With a first pipe fmt -s, the lines are wrapped, but the "smart font
selection" is lost for long quoted-text (only the first line begins with
a ">").
So the solution was to pipe two successives fmt commands ; the first
concerns the quoted-text and insert the prefix ">" in the beginning of
every wrapped line. The 2d wraps the other lines.
I also add the next options to a2ps :
-b"" this to avoid the header but preserve the title (better than -B)
-o $(date +%x-%X | tr : .).ps to send the output to a file rather than
the printer. The name of the file is producted by the current date.
Try it. Comments welcome.
" ^^ Gauthier Vandemoortele "
| (_____/°°-ç [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| | \_`-" |
| )/@mmm|| Chée de Wavre, 135c |
| \nn \nn B-1360 Perwez |
| Belgique |
" FOE-Belgium : http://www.ful.ac.be/hotes/amisterre "