Submitted 21-Sep-00 by Jan- Hendrik Palic:

> I'm a mutt newbe and I do not have read all of the Docu yet...

Hidee :)

> ERROR: Header line added to ASCII armor: "Hash: SHA1"
> ASCII armor corrupted.

Correct.  Newer versions of PGP and GPG add a line to identify the hash
used.  2.6.x always used the same hash so it was unnecessary, and thus does
not recognise it as being correct.

> ^GUnsupported packet format - you need a newer version of PGP for this file.

This is probably a signature from somebody using a DSA or El Gamal key,
which are used by newer versions of PGP and GPG (in fact GPG doesn't
natively have support for the RSA keys PGP 2.6.x uses).


> ... text one Email....


A signed message isn't, by definition, encrypted, so you can still read the
text that was sent even if PGP choked on signature verification.

HTH (and somebody correct me if I'm wrong :)

Anton Graham                            GPG ID: 0x18F78541
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 RSA key available upon request
Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original
in your work.
  -- Flaubert

PGP signature

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