I have been using mutt for the past four months.
People from outlook are cribing about my mails coming to them only as attachments
In the sense that Even this text would come as an attachment.
I would like to confirm if it is outlooks fault in not open a content-type of
text/oplain by default.
or am i missing out on something
Signature Follows :-
Rishi Maker |------------Quote Of The Mail----------------|
Senior Developer |I hate mankind, for I think myself one of the|
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |best of them, and I know how bad I am. -- |
Tel-Res : 91-22-5374892 |Samuel Johnson |
Tel-Off : 91-22-4603751/52 | |
ICQ-UIN : 56551784 | |
www.rishimaker.com | |
| ----:----:----:-----:----:----:----:----:----:----:----:----:|
--------| guru, n: A computer owner who can read the manual. |-------
| ----:----:----:-----:----:----:----:----:----:----:----:----:|
CopyLeft Rishi Maker