Greetings All!!! Does anyone knows if procmail is able to handle maildir mailboxes. If it is not is there any resonable way (excluding writing it by myself) to force it to do so? Bye. -- |/ |_, _ .- --, 2:480/135@fido [EMAIL PROTECTED] |__ |_|. | \ |_|. ._' /_. 101:1000/135@unholy ... Droga wśród jabłoni prowadzi w nieznane...
- mbox to maildir Jason Helfman
- Re: mbox to maildir David Champion
- Re: mbox to maildir Jason Helfman
- Re: mbox to maildir Timothy Legant
- Re: mbox to maildir Thomas Roessler
- Re: mbox to maildir Chris Gushue
- Re: mbox to maildir Michael Tatge
- Re: mbox to maildir Chris Gushue
- Re: mbox to maildir David T-G
- Re: mbox to maildir Lukasz Stelmach
- Re: mbox to maildir Jason Helfman
- Re: mbox to maildir Lukasz Stelmach