On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 09:33:38AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> Krist --
> ...and then Krist van Besien said...
> % Hi all...
> Hello again!
> % 
> % Quite a few of you sign their messages. Which gives me a PGP error when reading
> % it, as the key aparently doesn't meet the validity threshold...
> Hmmm...  What validity threshold?  Do you mean that you don't have the
> public key to verify, or that you don't trust that the key belongs to who
> it says it does, or perhaps something else?
Your key is only signed by you self. That is not very far in the Web of Trust.
Neither is it signed by a trusted Certification Authority. So the only thing
this signing does is checksumming the message.

In my pgp configuration there are two validity thresholds:

### Number of completely trusted introducers needed

### Number of marginally trusted introducers needed

And while my old RSA pgp key is signed by some very trustable people, my
new DSS/DH key is signed only by myself, including the RSA signature. 
But that makes a long weak chain of trust, so my new key does not meet
validity criteria. I will beggar for some signatures.

Rudi van Houten   Department of Mathematics Utrecht University
Budapestlaan 6  -  3584 CD  -  Utrecht  -  Netherlands
:-) Fantasy is given mankind to make amends for what he is not,
    and a sense of humour as consolation for what he is.

PGP signature

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