On Fri, Sep 08, 2000 at 06:55:22AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> ...and then Jens Askengren said...
> % Hello
> %
> % Since I often find myself hitting ^C (instead of ^G) to cancel commands
> % that prompts for input like "mail" and "limit", I would like to rebind
> % that function.
> Although I find myself doing the same thing occasionally, I haven't
> looked into rebinding it, so I don't know of how much use this will be.
> IIRC, however, your terminal settings (use stty to see) decide that ^C is
> the interrupt character and so your shell grabs the command before it
> even gets to mutt. You'll need to first change your shell with something
> like
In fact it has nothing to do with the shell, it is the terminal discipline.
That is the way the I/O to the terminal is buffered and processed before
characters are delivered to the application or the terminal screen. See the
"man termio" for SysV, a small novelle.
If I understand it correctly it is possible, but utterly tricky, to disable
the processing of even ^C in the line discipline. Then the application can
handle it.
> stty intr ^G
> (yes, I believe you can use ^ + G as above rather than having to enter
> the literal character) to free up ^C to get passed through to mutt.
Rudi van Houten Department of Mathematics Utrecht University
Budapestlaan 6 - 3584 CD - Utrecht - Netherlands
:-) Fantasy is given mankind to make amends for what he is not,
and a sense of humour as consolation for what he is.
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