Austin --

...and then Austin Schutz said...
%       But what I want to do is forward all the attachments. I swear I

Right; I got that part.

% must be having some sort of brain lapse here, but I can't figure out how
% to do it, e.g.:

I have confirmed that I can forward myself a note that has a text part
and two binary attachments; everything comes through, so let's look at
muttrc settings.  FWIW, when forwarding the note it's attached as a 7bit
rfc822 message, just like yours appears to be, but when I get it and hit
'v' to view attachments, I see

  -- Mutt: Attachments
  ->   I     1 <no description>                    [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 23K]
       I     2 |-><no description>       [text/plain, quoted, us-ascii, 0.5K]
       I     3 `->attachment-test                 [message/rfc822, 7bit, 22K]
       I     4   `-><no description>               [multipa/mixed, 7bit, 21K]
       I     5     |-><no description>     [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]
       A     6     |->unsafe_finger        [applica/octet-stre, base64, 9.8K]
       A     7     `->tclsh8.0              [applica/octet-stre, base64, 11K]
       I     8 <no description>              [applica/pgp-signat, 7bit, 0.2K]

as things should be.

A quick check of my muttrc shows

  [zero] [7:03am] ~>  egrep -i forw\|weed\|decode\|mime .mutt/muttrc
  # default list of header fields to weed when displaying
  ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
  ignore x-priority x-ms  list-id precedence x-mailman x-mime x-beenthere
  # set forward_decode
  set forward_format="%s (fwd)"           # used to be hdr_format
  set forward_quote
  set mime_fwd
  # unset mime_forward_decode
  # unset pipe_decode
  set use_8bitmime

so I would, if I were you, check your forward_decode, mime_forward_decode,
and use_8bitmime settings first.

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*

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