On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 04:07:01AM +0200, Roland Rosenfeld muttered:
| If you didn't create this directory yourself, it will be created in
| lbdb-fetchaddr:
| db=$HOME/.lbdb/m_inmail.list
| ...
| if [ ! -f $db ]; then
|   dbdir=`dirname $db`
|   if [ ! -d $dbdir ]; then
|     mkdir -p $dbdir
|     if [ ! -d $dbdir ]; then
|       echo "Can't create $dbdir" >&2
|       exit 1
|     fi
|   fi
| ...

I'm not a coder, but that looks good..

| But ~/.lbdb isn't removed or cleaned when you upgrade lbdb, so you
| will keep some remainders of older versions in this directory.  But I
| hope, that all versions are backward compatible, which means, that
| they continue to use the data of the old versions.

For some reason it wasn't catching in my .procmailrc when I turned on
verbose logging. So I added it higher in the script, and it was caught.
Thanks for the memorable tech support.

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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