On 22-Aug-2000, Leonid Mamtchenkov wrote:
> 1. For printing messages I am using "pr -o 4 -W 72 | lpr".  The problem is
> that it does not wrap the long lines, but trancate them, which is not a
> good thing.  Maybe someone figured out the way to print nicely long lines.
> (Yeah, I guess, this question is not very much for mutt mailing list, but
> don't know where else to write).  As an alternative to pr, I have tried
> a2ps, but pr looks better ;-)

If you prefer a flat-ascii, unformatted approach, you can simply pipe the
message through fmt before sending it into lpr.

Since you indicate that you can handle postscript, I'd recommend you take
a look at mp, though.  It's a text->ps formatter that's designed
specifically to format mail and articles for printing.
ftp://ftp.NUXI.com/pub/misc/ or in /usr/ports/print/mp-letter (or mp-a4)
for FreeBSD.

I use set print_command="mp -content -from | spoolps.sh" in my .muttrc
and love it.  (spoolps.sh is a local hack for my network)

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