I'd like to re-format my "index_format" date
from "Aug 21"
to "Aug 21 08:45:09"
My current index_format, before changing it, looks like
set index_format="%3C%?M?+& ?%Z %[%b %d] %-16.16F [%-9.9O] %-33.33s (%4l)
So I left that as it is because it contains %[%b %d] which should
contain the date (currently displaying "Aug 21",
and I uncommented the "date_format" - it now looks like this
set date_format="!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"
I left it that just because I wanted to see how it looked,
but low-and-behold the date is still displayed as "Aug 21".
What am I doing wrong/not doing right?
Hardy Merrill
Mission Critical Linux, LLC