Michael Lyngbl writes:
> Hello,
> One my FreeBSD box I've set "LANG=da_DK.ISO_8859-1" to make vi (also
> used as my mutt editor) display danish characters. It works.
> But now I've also got the menus in mutt in danish language which I do
> not want. How do I "reset" this to english?
> I've search through the FAQ, man pages, used google, but only found "set
> locale=<foobar>" which (according to muttrc(5)) is used to format dates.

 I am running in a C locale and have the following settings in my .muttrc:

 set editor="LC_CTYPE=en_IE.ISO8859-15 vi"
 set pager="LC_CTYPE=en_IE.ISO8859-15 less -ceiM +Gg"

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