Hello !
Sven Guckes wrote on 18.08.2000 10:13:58 +0200:
> * Frank Altpeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [000817 22:04]:
> > I just bounced you [mutt-bugs] an email with subject: IRCD hosting ...
> > This is very important. Because i got this mail and as i tried to
> > forward it to another person, my mutt segfaulting with core dump.
> Is this important because of the core dump
> of because of the contents of the message?
It was to help finding out why it dumped core... but the problem is
solved by thomas roessler... i have to upgrade, was known bug.
Thanx anyway for your time :)
With kind regards,
Frank Altpeter - Laird Of Glencairn
DAU at work, Real Life Cuts (Teil 25):
"Im FOCUS wird eine Entlostelefonkarte vorgestellt. Wer weiss mehr darueber?"