Sitting at the campfire, Bernhard Valenti told:
> i connect to my IMAP server that has ~8 folders, the thing is that right now i have 
>to go through all the folders every few minutes to check if there is
> any new mail in one of them. is there a solution for that so mutt like displays a 
>message that folder X has a new mail... or is there some imap folder
> index which shows the read/unread count ? ( oh and it would be cool if you can make 
>mutt execute a command when a new mail arrives )

In the 1.3.3i developement series was an entry in the imap/TODO file to
implement this functionality. Since it is gone in the 1.3.7i version, I
assume it has been implemented.

Anybody tried this out? I think I will in the next days, but that's not a
promise :)



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