On Wednesday, 16 August 2000 at 14:47, David T-G wrote:
> Close...  mutt doesn't parse your shell globbing wildcards, but can spawn
> off a subshell to do it for you (for instance :-)  I have
>   mailboxes $MAIL `echo $HOME/Mail/F.*`
> in my .mutt/muttrc and you'll probably find another dozen answers shortly.
> I could,sure, use sed to change the leading dir path to "=" but I figure
> it doesn't matter in the long run and so I don't waste the extra process.

no, don't use sed :)

`echo cd $HOME/Mail; for mbx in F.*; do echo =$mbx; done`

of course, there's no good reason to use = in the first place, I
think. It's just a shortcut useful when typing...

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