Hi there,

I solved the problem by myself.
I used the csh as a shell for --with-exec-shell command with configure script.
ksh instead works fine.

Daniel Kollar wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm a mutt newbie and I have a basic problem:
> It seems that no external program can be startet out of mutt.
> I.e.:
> 1) The external editor is set to "vim".
>    When I try to compose a message, I get the following error in mutt: "Aborted 
>unmodified message." instead that vim opens up.
> 2) The "mutt_ldap_query.pl" for the query_command gives no results. When typing 'Q' 
>in the mutt message index, I only get a beep after entering the search phrase. Trying 
>'mutt_ldap_query.pl <search phrase>' in an xterm gives the expected results and seems 
>to work.
> Thank you for help.
> Cu,
> Daniel.

Daniel Kollar                  FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS EUROPE GmbH
Application Engineer           ASIC/RF Technology

Phone : +49(0)6103-690-212     Am Siebenstein 6-10
Fax   : +49(0)6103-690-122     D-63303 Dreieich-Buchschlag

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