On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 07:11:50PM +1000, iain truskett wrote:
> > anyone know of a vim (or vi* clone) mutt mode?
> Well, there's the supplied mode for .muttrc files.
> > also anyone use any cool .vimrc (or clone) things for mutt editing?
> I have the following in my .vimrc: (note: some bits use vim6 stuff)
cool cheers...
> For more of an explanation, check out one of the recent postings to the
> vimtips group at egroups:
> <http://www.egroups.com/group/vimtips/>
> You'll want message number 3, "Email".
ah, hmm ill have to have a look at vim 6 aswell now (:
Ben, <bro_evil(at)subdimension(dot)com>
"Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is better than doing
the right thing for the wrong reasons"