> Gerard Beekmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sat, 12 Aug 2000:
> > The problem is that as soon as the "From " header contains the author's
> > name, mutt doesn't recognize the message and skips it.
> What do you mean with "doesn't recognise the message and skips it"?
> Do you mean that it becomes part of the previous message or what?
> I'll assume that, if not please clarify.
No, it doesn't become part of the previous message. It just does not
appear in the index. If I have, for example, 3 emails in a folder and
one of them has that invalid "From " header, mutt just ignores that
message and only displays two messages in the index.
> > I have various
> > mail folders that contain such messages (left overs from a different
> > email client). Is there an easy way to have mutt accept headers like
> > this one:
> Not as far as I know. It should be rather easy to write a small
> sed/perl/awk/whatever script to fix those lines, though. Or, maybe
> use formail for it, it ought to write proper "From " lines.
That's how I did it this time to fix those lines, but in the future it's
just troublesome. Since mutt is still my favorite client I won't be
using that other one (kmail from kde2beta3) much anyways, but I just
like using X based apps when I'm in X and that application shouldn't
mess up my email folders for when I use mutt on the console.
I was just wondering if there was an easy way to break mutt to accept
malformed headers. It's a lot harder to make Kmail behave correctly than
some other app to behave incorrectly ;)
Gerard Beekmans
-*- If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem -*-