* Caster wrote:

> On sob 12 sie 2000 16:05:27 GMT iain truskett wrote:

> > Clever, but only useful if your vi clone doesn't support something like:
> >   set editor="vim +/^$/+1"

> Notice, that moving the cursor to the line that comes exactly after the
> first blank line is no what I want. I need vi to move the cursor to the
> second blank line and that's not the same.
> Maybe there is a way to pass [count] to to vim (
> /{pattern}[/]<CR>       Search forward for the [count]'th occurrence of
>                         {pattern} (exclusive).
> ) on the command line but I don't know how and that's offtopic.

set editor="vim -c ':normal gg2}'"

gg puts the cursor to the first line of the text, then 2} jumps to
the line after the second paragraph.


No courtesy copy (Cc:), please. I'm reading here!

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