On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 03:17:18AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Mutt's IMAP4 support is good and implements the IMAP4 'philosopy' much
> better than most MUAs in my opinion.  The only MUAs that I have found
> which are in the same league (vis-a-vis IMAP support) are:-
>     tkRat
>     Netscape (yes, really, it has the right idea!)
>     pegasus (win32)
>     eudora (win32)

Plus, some of you might have noticed, it also sports a nice SSL-feature.
Netscape has that, too. I don't know whether pegasus and eudora have it
implemented yet. I don't know tkRat at all. But still, comparing the time I
need to fire up Netscape, I rather stick to mutt in this case.
In the developers series even this bug with some self-signed certificates is


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