On Thu, Jul 27, 2000 at 11:50:06AM -0400, Thomas E. Dickey wrote:
> > mutt-ncurses switches to color mode and forces me to use white-on-black :-(
> > I did find documentation on how to adjust colors or how to make sure that
> > colors are used, but I want it the opposite way :-)
> set TERM=vt220
> is a quick way.
Ah fine, that helps immediately :-)
> dtterm is supposed to be compatible with vt220, though there are still
> some differences. Use
> infocmp dtterm vt220
> to see this. You may also use infocmp/tic to make a customized version of
I see.
> the dtterm terminfo. Remove the 'colors#8,' string, for example, and
> ncurses will not think that supports color. (If you want color in some
> applications, rename the alias 'dtterm' to something else such as
> 'dtterm-mono'.
I will check out terminfo and see that I also solve my vt100-"page up/down"
key problem.
> dtterm can support default-colors (which I find more readable than
> solid backgrounds). Perhaps you are only trying the solid backgrounds
> and do not want to use color for that reason.
Maybe I should play around with this item. As of now I find my
"(non-bright) white on grey-blue" very eye-friendly for a decade :-)
Thank's a lot,
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