I've got Mutt, configured nicely, I'm happy. I'm trying to do two things 
with little luck. I read the man page and several FAQs, maybe not the right 

1) I change folders, easy enough, how do I get back to my spool box? I am 
certain I saw the command somewhere but I cannot find it again.

2) I have two accounts I use daily, a personal account, family, admin 
messages from the servers, etc. Then I have an account for listmail. How do 
I get the mail from the listmail account to 'really' be from the listmail 

I have :set from='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in my .muttrc-lists , and the 
headers just before I send the mail seem correct. However, when I try to 
subscribe to mutt-users under the new account, the confiration comes back to 
my personal account on this machine (personal account uses .muttrc)

I'm starting mutt with 'rxvt -e mutt -f /home/dave/.muttrc' for my personal 
account and I'm starting mutt with 'rxvt -e mutt -f 
/home/dave/.muttrc-lists' for the list mail acount.

What am I forgetting to do here?



"On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at
 the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting -- died"                           

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