Submitted 25-Jul-00 by Russell Hoover: > Though I'm doing the opposite ("unignore X-"), it works the same way (I > can't "ignore X-mailer" after the unignore). What about replaceing the (rather draconian) "ignore *" with a list of specific headers to be supressed? Yes, it is a bit more work, but it will ultimately accomplish what you want. -- _ _|_|_ ( ) * Anton Graham /v\ / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> /( )X (m_m) GPG ID: 18F78541 Penguin Powered!
- How can I display most X- headers but not all Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X- headers but not ... Anton Graham
- Re: How can I display most X- headers but ... Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X- headers ... Anton Graham
- Re: How can I display most X- head... Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X-... Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: How can I display most X- headers but not ... Suresh Ramasubramanian
- Re: How can I display most X- headers but ... Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X- headers ... Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X- head... Anton Graham
- Re: How can I display most X-... Russell Hoover
- Re: How can I display most X- headers but not ... Stan Ryckman