Looks like I've screwed up somewhere ... :-)
I was previously using version 1.0i and compiled and installed 1.2.4i.
All was well, except that on a couple of occasions (mainly on changing
folders) bits of the previous "screen" would get "left behind" on the
next "screen". i.e. a subject from a message in a subfolder would stay
in the same place on the screen when I moved to another folder ...
I thought about this for a while, then I thought that perhaps it might
be an Ncurses problem - I had version 4.2, so I downloaded, compiled and
installed Ncurses 5.1. After recompiling Mutt with the new Ncurses, I
have no colours!
Mutt is definitely compiled with colour support:
Mutt 1.2.4i (2000-07-07)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
System: Linux 2.2.16 [using ncurses 5.1]
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
To report a bug, please use the muttbug utility.
I noticed in the Ncurses documentation that it said it was going to
overwrite the Terminfo settings and that any customizations should be
saved. I don't recall ever doing anything with Terminfo before, so I
just let it go ahead. Is that my mistake? If so, what should I do now?
I am running Mutt in a Konsole under RH6.0 (KDE desktop). Colours
appear OK running stuff other Mutt in the Konsole, e.g. colourized "ls",
SLRN newsreader (uses Slang, not Ncurses?) ...
Any help most welcome!
Dave Ewart
Computing Manager
ICRF Cancer Epidemiology Unit, Oxford UK