On 2000-07-24 01:43:14 -0400, Jason Helfman wrote:
> How is this done... I have seen it only a few times, but I would like to
> try it out..
6.3.98. pager_index_lines
Type: number
Default: 0
Determines the number of lines of a mini-index which is shown when in
the pager. The current message, unless near the top or bottom of the
folder, will be roughly one third of the way down this mini-index,
giving the reader the context of a few messages before and after the
message. This is useful, for example, to determine how many messages
remain to be read in the current thread. One of the lines is reserved
for the status bar from the index, so a pager_index_lines of 6 will
only show 5 lines of the actual index. A value of 0 results in no
index being shown. If the number of messages in the current folder is
less than pager_index_lines, then the index will only use as many
lines as it needs.
Best regards
Martin Schröder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ArtCom GmbH, Grazer Straße 8, D-28359 Bremen
Voice +49 421 20419-44 / Fax +49 421 20419-10
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