Hello everyone, I retrieve email from two different email accounts, and I would like to be able to *send* email from both addresses; after looking at the manual I thought that perhaps "$alternates" was the right variable, but, according to the manual, it only defines which addresses mutt recognizes as "mine" when it comes to saying whether email is "From:" me or "To:" me. How can I send email from two different addresses? Thank you for any tip, Manuel
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses tech_related
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses Michael Elkins
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses Jeremy Blosser
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses tech_related
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses Jeremy Blosser
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses tech_related
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses Mikko Hänninen
- Re: question concerning multiple addresses Bob Bell
- Re: question concerning multiple addr... tech_related