Submitted 20-Jul-00 by Christian v. Mueffling:
> Hello!
> When i attach files to a msg and encrypt this msg, also the
> attachments are encrypted. Fine.
I prefer this behavior. If I am sending data sensitive enough to
encrypt the message body, then it is reasonable to assume that any
attachments are also sensitive. Many other MUA's simply pipe the body
of the message to PGP/GPG.
> But when i receive this msg, i cannot view the attachments, i just see
> them in plaintext.
Now here you lost me. If you are sending a non-plaintext attachment
(for example, a gzipped file) then the mime type (application/x-gzip) is
preserved and handled by your mailcap entry for that type.
I just tested this by mailing (and encrypting to) myself a gzipped
mbox and a jpeg image. My content handler defined in my mailcap
correctly decomressed the gzipped file displaying the entire contents
of the mailbox, and an unsupported file type for the image (I don't
autoview images). Going to the attachment menu and selecting the
image launched my viewer.
This all hinges on you (1) having the mime types defined correctly on
the sending machine and (2) having appropriate entries in your mailcap
file. I use a special mailcap for mutt (in ~/.mutt/mailcap) because
Netscape will crash if it sees some some of the entries that I use to
view files from mutt.
( ) * Anton Graham
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