On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 10:51:33PM +0300, Mikko Hnninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Francisco D . Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 19 Jul 2000:
> > I can see the headers with:
> > macro pager "o" ":unignore old-to old-cc\n<exit><display-message>"
> >
> > BUT I still need another macro using ANOTHER PRECIOUS KEY to do the
> > reverse action, ":unignore old-to old-cc\n"
> >
> > ¿Somebody knows how I can do the trick using only one key?
> How about just adding the ":ignore old-to old-cc\n" after
> "<display-message>" in the first macro? That way, "o" should only
> display those two headers for the current message, and when you view
> the next message, it will be shown without them.
Or, as mentioned in another thread, define two macros, one for
ignore and one for unignore, and bind them to keys you likely won't
use. The set 'o' to call that macro, and then change its own
definition to point to the other macro. You could actually do it all
in one macro, but the syntax will probably get hairy.
Bob Bell Compaq Computer Corporation
Software Engineer 110 Spit Brook Rd - ZKO3-3/U14
TruCluster Group Nashua, NH 03062-2698
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 603-884-0595