Bob Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :

>     What does the ampersand (&) character on the subject line mean
> when sorting by threads?  For instance:
> 5219   + 07/12 Perez, Dick       (  0) &*>RE: Web page                           
> 5220   + 07/13 Perez, Dick       (  0) t*>RE: Web page
> 5221   + 07/13 Perez, Dick       (  0) m*>RE: Web page
>     Well, the "t" and "m" are actually extended ASCII bar characters,
> but that "&" is as it appears.  Can anyone shed light on what this
> means? (just to satisfy curiosity)

No, but try set ascii_chars in your muttrc for correct displaying of thread
                      You already know how to use it.
                      All you gotta do is go get it.

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