I want to make myself kind of "template" for writing mails. I think the
best way would be a filter, that could put some text in a new mail. The
filter is not a problem, but I wonder how to call it automatically
within Mutt (when I tell Mutt to open my favourite vim :) to edit a
message, but of course before the editor starts). I thought the best
will be a send-hook, something like:
send-hook the_pattern `call_the filter`. However it's impossible to pass
the name of the file which contains the pre-message.
Then came another idea. I put something like this into my config file:
set editor="the_filer %s; vim %s". It works and it's possible to have
different filters for different addresees (with a send-hook pattern 'set
editor="filter_no_2 %s; vim %s"'). Now I just wonder if there is a "nicer"
way to solve my problem?
BTW: Why the '' are necessary when I define a hook and there are "" in
the expression (like: send-hook mutt-users 'set attribution="sth"')?

Bi-la kaifa

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