* Marco Goetze wrote on Mon, 17 Jul 2000:
> On Fri, Jul 14 2000, at 14:57 +0200, Dirk Pirschel wrote:
> >I have defined some aliases in the form
> >  alias name@home ...
> >  alias name@work ...
> >but mutt does not expand them.
> >
> >Is this a feature or a bug?
> It's more of the former.  Mutt doesn't attempt to look addresses
> containing `@'s up as aliases, presumably so's to avoid the overhead of
> the procedure when it's likely to be dealing with a complete address.
> Consequently, you should try and limit the set of characters you use to
> what's usually allowed in the user part of an address when defining
> aliases.

Can someone update the manual?  It does not say anything about
forbidden characters in alias definitions :-/


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