On Fri, Jul 14, 2000 at 21:00:21 -0700, Anton Graham wrote:
> I still think that text/plain should be just that: plain :)
It is.
The Quoted Printable encoding must not have lines longer than 76
characters, and the encoder have to insert the soft breaks when
it encodes longer lines then that. The receiving end must remove
these soft breaks to recreate the original long line. See RFC
2045 section 6.7 for a precise description of this.
> Yes, I understand that, and appreciate it when receiving preformatted
> data as it shows me that the line is a continuation of the previous
> without requiring me to scroll right through a 230 character line.
In fact there is a proposal for a standard to send plain text in
which each paragraph may be rewrapped by the receiving MUA. It
uses the context type "text/plain; format=flowed". Mutt doesn't
support this, but it may be a good idea to implement it.
"The Text/Plain Format Parameter" is described in RFC 2646.
> Actually, the '=' seems to be hanging at the end without a trailing
> space on the ones I receive. (And you're right, I don't need the /g,
> it's there through force of habit :)
There should not be trailing space on any line encoded with
Quoted Printable, and if the decoder anyhow sees trailing space
on a line, it must delete it. Mutt's QP decoder is unfortunately
buggy with respect to this.