Hello Michael!

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Michael Soulier wrote:

>       Hey guys. I'm rebuilding mutt-1.2i, and I'm having a problem that I don't
> think I had before. 


> keymap.h:112: keymap_defs.h: No such file or directory
> *** Error exit code 1
>       Is this header part of the source tree, or should it be on this HP-UX
> system? I don't remember getting this compile error before. 

Maybe you will try
        make keymap_defs.h
    make mutt_dotlock

to compile your prefered MUA. :-)

bye - Wilhelm

 _    _                ___   ___   _ ___ 
| |  (_)_ _ _  ___ __ |_  ) |_  ) / | __|  ...solutions  for smart penguins
| |__| | ' \ || \ \ /  / / _ / / _| |__ \  
|____|_|_||_\_,_/_\_\ /___(_)___(_)_|___/  >>>  Wilhelm Wienemann  <<<

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